Every day, Millions of people around the globe look for an edge in their daily lives, or for help with a mental health issue–without having to rely on dangerous pharmaceuticals. Among those supplement users, many are turning to Nootropics for ADHD and even for an extra mental jolt before workouts.
A brand-new entry on the Nootropics scene is Feedamind. By formulating a supplement with ingredients on the cutting-edge of scientific research, you can benefit from all that Nootropics have to offer.
Overall Rating: 4.9/5
What Makes Feedamind Different
Founded in Ireland, the people behind Feedamind had been researching Nootropics for years, curating an ingredient list that doesn’t have any filler. Their focus is on a product that works to stimulate wellness from the neck-down.
As such, their formula has specific doses of each compound, meaning you get as much as you need for good effect, without having to pay extra for useless doses. Having spent years myself researching supplements and educating people about fitness, I’m gratified to see such a rigorously investigated formula in a Nootropic.
My Video Review of Feedamind
Benefits of Feedamind
Feedamind aims to help anyone looking for better focus, less anxiety, and improved mental energy. If you’re trying to increase your mental focus, get rid of brain fog or simply concentrate longer, Feedamind is a great addition to your current regimen.
Improved Focus
Modern human attention span is plummeting. If you’ve felt it harder and harder to focus throughout the work day, you’re not alone. And you don’t have to take it lying down. Ingredients like Bacopa Monnieri and Lutein can help keep your brain switched on.
Balanced Mood
Pharmaceutical companies spend millions on advertising, and raking in billions to convince us we need possibly dangerous psychotropic drugs. With Feedamind, you get the all-natural and side-effect free benefits of a more stable mood from L-Theanine, a concentrate of the calming compound in green tea, and L-Tyrosine, an amino acid missing from many diets.
Better Memory
Herbal remedies and plant derivatives like Resveratrol have been linked to Alzheimer’s prevention because of how well they “scrub” the damage done to our brains from modern living. By combining that with other proven memory enhancers like Oat Straw, Feedamind has formed an exacting product with great results.
Ingredients and Evidence
Lutein (from Marigold Extract)
Originally thought only to affect eyesight, new data demonstrate that Lutein helps our brains process the visual world better, too. And because our visual brain center is so closely related to our memory, learning, and verbal skills, Lutein is able to improve all those areas as well. This makes Feedamind an excellent option for students or people in high-stake businesses.
Zeaxanthin (from Marigold Extract)
In the years when Lutein was only just being understood, it was often extracted from plants by itself. But recent research has shown that recombining Lutein with Zeaxanthin significantly increases the benefits of both. This can really give your workouts the hand-eye coordination edge you’ve been looking for.
Bacopa Monnieri
Used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, modern science has found that this plant can result in statistically significantly higher scores in focus, memory, and performance, which is great news for anyone looking for help with ADHD or any cognitive performance aid.
Hard to say, but easy to find in the best Nootropics, Feedamind includes it for brain tissue protection and restoration. Brain scans have found that this powerful antioxidant can not only protect brain-cells from the effects of aging, but even reverse the damage that’s already been done, great news for all of us as we age.
When you read about how drinking red wine is “healthy,” it’s because of Resveratrol. It can increase blood flow to the brain and even protect individual neurons during aging.
L-Theanine is an essential amino acid that Japanese researchers have demonstrated helps improve every marker of cognitive health. This is because it results in significantly higher Theta-Brain Waves, and because it offers superior protection against body-toxins in the brain.
Another amino-acid that some diets may not contain enough of, researchers are just now learning how important it is. Not only can it improve our brain-body reaction times, but it can even help keep us calm under high-stress situations as we might experience in loud work environments or around heavy machinery.
Choline, and its derivative form acetylcholine (ACh), is the primary “trigger” for all nerve-to-cell interaction. Alpha-GPC is on the cutting edge of better, more bioavailable, and faster-acting Choline for improved mental facilities.
Oat Straw
Also referred to as Avena Sativa, Oat Straw extract has been proven in laboratory settings to result in better attention and better short term memory. Another experiment found that Oat Straw improves short term memory and recall, with fewer errors.
Cat’s Claw
A traditional Amazonian medicine, Cat’s Claw can physically detangle protein clusters in the brain that lead to Alzheimer’s. This makes it a powerful preventative step toward potentially averting a terrible disease, but improving your mental agility in the here and now.
Vitamin B Complex (B1, B6, B7, and B12)
The Vitamin B family is absolutely essential for optimal brain-body performance, whether you’re looking for a preworkout supplement or help with focus at work. Vitamin B6 deficiency can lead to serious illness, and Thiamine (B1) deficiency can lead to one of the scariest causes of death known to medicine.
This all-natural product is simply the trade name for a naturally occurring compound from cocoa beans, containing mainly Theobromine and Caffeine. The first helps mammals build their neural pathways, resulting in much better cognitive test results, and these results are even higher when in combination with light, natural caffeine.
Another trade name, this time for a natural derivative of caffeinated plants like yerba mate and coffee bean, its chemical name is Methylliberine. In clinical trials it has been demonstrated to be an effective and safe alternative to the energy jolt from pure caffeine, providing all the same drive and focus with none of the jitters.
Who Should Try Feedamind?
Based on my research, and the years I’ve spent monitoring the Nootropics field, I can safely say that Feedamind can benefit anyone who wants to improve their focus and remove stress and anxiety. There are three specific applicatioins that I think can benefit from Feedamind, though.
Final Verdict
I’m passionate about two things: fitness and education. I won’t ever recommend a product that doesn’t have scientific research and proven results. Feedamind is a company on the crest of a moving wave in Nootropics research, and they can help any type of person who’s considered a supplement for cognitive performance.
With no side effects and a mountain of evidence at their back, Feedamind can help you be the faster-thinking, more focused, and higher-energy version of you that already know is inside.
Want To Try Feedamind?
No! One of the greatest aspects of Nootropics like Feedamind is that they only contain safe, all-natural ingredients that won’t cause any chemical or behavioral addictions.
I would, but you don’t have to. Certain ingredients in Feedamind, like Cat’s Claw, take time to build up in our system before they have any effect.
Immediately, for some people. Ingredients like Oat Straw have been shown to have an effect the very day someone takes it. Other effects might take longer, and others may level off. I recommend people take short journal entries when they begin taking Nootropics to measure the benefits themselves
I’m getting this question a lot, and I’ve put together a whole article answering it. In short, like any supplement, there are scammers out there. But you can trust that all of the products at the Great Green Wall, such as Feedamind, are vetted for efficacy and scientific integrity.
At the conclusion of your review of Hunter Focus you said “…even though it is not the best nootropic we have found.”
So, what IS the best nootropic you have found?? (in your opinion).
Hi Thomas, thank you for your message.
In my opinion, the best nootropic out there is definitely Feedamind. It’s a complete cognitive enhancer, with correct dosages of natural and high-quality ingredients, powerful formula, and it’s overall an excellent product for anyone looking to improve their brain health and performance.
You can have a look at our top rated nootropics here: https://www.greatgreenwall.org/supplements/best-nootropics/
Kind regards,
Hi Sam,
Can you mix Vyvamind with other Nootropics?
I like the sound of all Vyvamind has to the officer, which seems to be all the benefits I am looking for; however also like the sound of noocude primarily due to the following benefits (1) enhances the ability to multitask (2) enhances communication skills.
Is there a nootropic similar to a mix of Vyvamind and Noocude?
Hi Ursula,
Both Vyvamind and Noocube can definitely help. They are both great for improving your multitasking abilities and helping with your communication skills.
Feedamind is also a bit of a mix of both, and it has premium ingredients that can give you all the benefits you are looking for.
Basically, you can’t go wrong with either of those. But every person is different, so I suggest you try one at a time and see which one is for you.
Kind regards,
Will you lose weight taking this supplement? I did when I was on adderall but I dont want to take anything like that anymore,but i did enjoy the weight loss part of it as well as the focus.
Hey Jenna,
I have studied the ingredients and for the most part they’re not associated with weight loss, nor are there any studies that suggest so.
My guess is it will not affect your weight, that being said, the human body is complex and we all react differently to different things. Keep me updated with your experience either way. I am always keen to hear.