I’m sure you’ve already seen the headlines: Testosterone Levels are dropping off, across the globe. In fact, I’d wager that you knowing that was one reason you’re reading this article in the first place. So if you’re one of the men whose T is dropping at a rate of 1% per year after 30, or you just want to keep what you’ve got, we’ve got the answers.
Now, there are thousands of remedies out there on social media, but one reason we’re passionate about our work at the Great Green Wall is that we’ve spent the time to gather the scientific evidence to support actions that get you results. So without further ado, here’s how you can boost your testosterone.
Actively Boosting T
In the section below we’ll talk a little bit about how to keep your T-Levels from dropping once you’ve got them back where you need them. But for now, we’ll focus on getting your hormone levels back to rights.
1. Diet
Remember the old adage, “you are what you eat”? Well, there’s more truth to that than ever before. Our modern diet of processed foods, with high fat, high sugar, and high sodium are all contributing to the Low-T epidemic.
So how do you get back on track? Here’s a list of proven T-Boosting foods you should be including in your diet, starting today.

Fish for Vitamin D
Especially any kind with good fat layers, such as Salmon, Tuna, and Swordfish. These are all excellent sources of Vitamin D, which plays a vital role in our T-Production.
Fruits – Prunes, Peaches, Avocado – for Boron
As we’ve previously written on the Great Green Wall, Boron is a necessary component of T-Health, and it helps us keep and metabolize that Vitamin D mentioned above. A half-cup of Avocado provides over 20% of the Boron in some supplements.
Oysters for Zinc
I know, I know. It sounds like a cliche, but there’s wisdom in some folklore. It turns out that eating Oysters provides three times the minimum Zinc allowance for an adult male.
Pomegranate for Antioxidants
Because of the damage caused to our testicular histology (the cellular tissue that makes Testosterone), it’s important to get powerful antioxidants into our system. One clinically proven way is with pomegranate juice.
Bananas and Pineapple for Bromelain
Never heard of Bromelain? That’s okay, most people haven’t. But it’s been clinically shown to reduce fatigue and maintain T-Levels after cardio, and it has even been shown to reduce damage to male reproductive function from environmental stress.
Seeds and Nuts for Magnesium
The last of my Holy Trinity of Minerals for Testosterone, Magnesium cannot be done without. And just one ounce of pumpkin seeds gives you a third of what you need in a day.
2. Exercise
Yes, yes, exercise. It may seem like a Catch-22, because many men complain that they’re having trouble exercising because of Low-T. And they’re not wrong. In science, this is called a positive feedback loop–positive in that it perpetuates forward, not in reference to anything “good.”

It works like this. Certain exercises increase your Testosterone; this makes exercise easier, so we exercise more; which increases our T even more. In the opposite direction, when our T-Levels are low, we’re not motivated, and physical activity is hard; we exercise less, our T drops even more, and so on.
But not all exercise is created equal. Here’s what to look for in a T-Maximizing routine.
Engage Large Muscle Groups
Research has shown that using our smaller muscle groups (biceps) has almost no effect on T-Levels post exercise. Sorry–we can’t curl our way to higher T.
Free Weights and Complex Motions
It doesn’t have to be a barbell and an Olympic lift, but stay away from machines and isolated motions. Studies have shown that the more muscle groups engaged in complex patterns gives huge T-Gains.
Vary the Intensity
Personal Trainers call it “shocking the system,” and there’s good wisdom to that. By varying your weights, shortening rests between sets, and changing up your reps, you can get 2 days worth of elevated T from one workout.
3. Mental Game
Some of our readers have noticed we’re starting to review and rate Nootropics. It’s not for nothing. Many health outcomes–good and bad–start between our ears.

Our hormones are tricky little compounds. For instance, in short (acute) settings, stress can trigger the release of Testosterone to help us combat a situation. On the other side of things, chronic (long-term) stress can actually damage the Leydig cells that produce Testosterone. In short, starting today, whatever you can do to reduce your stress in a healthy way will help you get your T-Levels back.
It’s a simple and direct relationship: the more quality sleep we get, the better our Testosterone levels. Change your mattress, have a warm glass of milk, put on that meditation tape. Do whatever you need to do to make sure you’re getting your zeds.
4. Supplements
So far we’ve got a pretty comprehensive list, and it sounds like a lot of work. In fact, if you made this article a To-Do list it may turn into a full-time job. Luckily, there are all-natural, proven supplements that can help with a lot of the items we’ve talked about.
Supplements like TestoPrime, Testo-Max, and Prime Male contain essential minerals like Boron, Vitamin D, Pomegranate, and even Ashwagandha to help with stress and sleep.

We still need to do our part with exercise, limiting stressors in our daily lives, and keeping away from processed foods. But a good, natural supplement can really go a long way in helping us stay on track.
Preventing T-Loss
Okay, I can hear you. “Alright, Simon, I’ve got my grocery cart full of T-Boosters. But how do I keep the train on the rails?” We’ll wrap up with a few quick pointers on how to make sure you don’t slide backward into Low-T
1. Keeping Track
One of the best ways to monitor our physical and mental health is through journaling. You don’t have to buy a fancy notebook and pose at a coffee shop, just find any old bound paper and take a few notes through the day.

2. Foods/Diets to Avoid
In addition to adding good food, we need to stay away from trends and pitfall foods. Avoid the following:

3. Alcohol
There’s no two ways about this one, chaps. Increased alcohol means reduced Testosterone. Like with processed foods, that doesn’t mean you have to swear off completely, but we do have to be mindful. A night or two here and there is fine, but always be aware that alcohol is literally a chemical poison, and long term, it can destroy your T-Levels.

Final Thoughts
Maintaining healthy Testosterone isn’t about being the world’s most jacked 60 year old. It’s about staying healthy, active, and energized at any age. There are definitely synthetic treatments that can artificially stimulate T-Production in men, but that can as often as not result in serious health detriments.
Instead, you can try any one of the natural pathways we discussed here to get your Testosterone back to a healthier level. Or better yet, put together a routine that incorporates all of the strategies for a comprehensive T-Boosting lifestyle. And after a hard day putting that all together, make sure you get some sleep.