Every year, tens of thousands of people are diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). And the fact is, the diagnoses are increasing at a rapid rate. In the US, the number of children diagnosed jumped a staggering 42%. In the UK, the diagnostic rate is 70% higher among children than adults.
And right now, the most common drug approved by the US’s FDA to treat ADHD is a stimulant in the amphetamine family, carrying a high risk of side effects and addiction.
It’s no surprise, then, that many people want to explore alternative options for treating the symptoms of ADHD. A reader recently found themselves in this exact situation, and asked me to compare the pros and cons of a reliable Nootropic, NooCube, and Adderall. So let’s jump right in.
Legal Note:
This article is not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, or cure any disease, illness, or disorder. Consult a physician before changing medications, ceasing medication, or beginning any supplement regimen.
What is Adderall?
As I’ve mentioned in a few articles, Adderall is in the amphetamine family, and acts as a neuro-stimulant. In the US, UK, and other countries, it is a controlled substance, meaning it requires a prescription for purchase and use.
How Does Adderall Help with AHD?
It may seem counterintuitive that people with “hyper-activity” would be given a stimulant, and to be frank it has always been a puzzler to me as well. We won’t get political or conspiratorial here (there are plenty of websites for that). I’ll simply address what Health Agencies have put forth regarding how Adderall and similar medications affect ADHD.
The real benefit seems to be how quickly amphetamines increase levels of “feel good” hormones such as dopamine. The release of these hormones, in people with ADHD, is thought to “slow down” their brains by giving neurons what they crave. In essence, a brain with ADHD is constantly in overdrive trying to find a dopamine hit–and Adderall gives it to them, so the brains can then slow down and focus on other things.
What is NooCube?
NooCube is an over-the-counter Nootropic with clinically established ingredients for Cognitive Performance. While it is not FDA-Approved for the treatment of ADHD or its symptoms, it is a legal supplement that has strong scientific evidence supporting its use for various functions. These include:

How Can NooCube Affect ADHD?
If you feel you may have symptoms of ADHD, you should consult your doctor about whether you can benefit from the formula NooCube has expertly put together. Some of the effects of NooCube’s ingredients can have a substantial impact on your day-to-day life, and can move the needle on behavior and cognitive functions. Let’s take a look at some key ingredients and the scientific evidence behind them.
Bacopa Monnieri
NooCube has a very healthy dose of this Ayurvedic herb, and I’ve found two studies of Bacopa in ADHD children and those presenting symptoms. In one study, behavior issues (being restless and controlling impulses) were improved by 93% and 89%. Learning was improved by 78%. In another study, conducted just last year, B improved Cognitive Function, sleeping habits, decision making, and social skills to statistically significant levels.

Another key component of NooCube, Tyrosine is an amino acid chemically related to tryptophan. An older study did find some response to ADHD symptoms using L-Tyrosine alone, but results tapered off after 6 weeks. A much more recent study concluded that L-Tyrosine and other amino acids that interplay with dopamine and serotonin offer results that “appear superior” to some medications.
A natural compound occurring in Green Tea, I’ve shown in other articles that it’s calming and attention effects are increased when combined with caffeine (again, as occurring in Green Tea). Researchers have shown that nearly every symptom of impulsivity among children with ADHD was ameliorated with Theanine and Caffeine.

NooCube, like other proven Nootropics like Feedamind and Mind Lab Pro, contains Resveratrol. This powerful antioxidant has provided improvements in ADHD symptoms over an 8 week trial. These are mostly behavioral symptoms, as reported by the parents of the children themselves.
Other Factors
Sometimes we should take a holistic view regarding our supplement use. As we’ve seen with stress affecting testosterone, and Nootropics affecting athletic performance, there are indirect ways a supplement like NooCube can help with ADHD-like symptoms.
Many publications and studies have demonstrated that sleep and ADHD go hand-in-hand. Thus, anything you might take to improve your sleep, such as L-Theanine and Oat Straw, could improve ADHD symptom severity.
Visual Processing
As I’ve written previously, Lutein and Zeaxanthin are powerful boosters of visual learning and processing. What scientists just this year have discovered is that there is a strong link between vision and visual processing and ADHD. Taking supplements like NooCube that contain these powerful plant-compounds could help reduce this negative effect.
Final Thoughts
If you or your child are currently taking Adderall or any other prescription, do not cease taking your medication without consulting a doctor. But if you are looking for preventive options, NooCube may be an option for treating issues similar to ADHD symptoms.
Not every Nootropic is a miracle, and some formulas work better for some populations than others. With that in mind you should check out our other recommendations. Take this list of ingredients, match it to a Nootropic that has other benefits you may be looking for, and let your journey begin.

Editor's Choice: NooCube