Testo Boost Max
Recently I came across Testo Boost Max; a testosterone booster that claims to have the “best” mix of ingredients in its formula. It also promises several benefits that we expect from most T-boosting supplements — like higher testosterone levels, boosted libido, and improved muscle growth.
The big question is, does it actually have a better composition than proven T boosters like TestoPrime or Testo-Max?

To answer this, I dove a bit deeper and found a composition that is interesting, to say the least. The most abundant ingredient in Testo Boost Max is Tongkat Ali. It’s a Southeast Asian herb that’s popular in traditional medicine for malaria, infections, and fevers.
From our research, Tongkat Ali intake can actually boost your testosterone levels. This was best demonstrated in a 2012 study which showed how 200 mg of Tongkat Ali can raise T levels in one month. Though, some studies on this herb — including this one from 2012 — are a bit arbitrary as they don’t mention exactly how much the participant’s testosterone levels increased.
Tongkat Ali is also not as effective as D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) found in popular alternatives like TestoPrime. This is because DAA can boost T levels by 42% in just 12 days.
Let’s take a closer look at how the rest of Testo Boost Max’s ingredients stack up:
Top Alternatives

Overall Rating: 5/5
- Provides a 44% increase in your testosterone levels.
- Improves your mood and confidence.
- Eliminates fatigue caused by low T.

Overall Rating: 4.6/5
- Lowers your post-workout recovery time.
- Provides the benefits of Sustanon steroid without its side effects.
- Helps you bulk up faster.

Overall Rating: 4.4/5
- Helps you increase your workout stamina.
- Increases the rate of fat oxidation and assists weight loss.
- Makes you feel more energetic.
Testo Boost Max Ingredients
Testo Boost Max contains a total of 17 different ingredients, most of which are fairly uncommon in testosterone boosters. These include:
Tongkat Ali — 400 mg
We’ve already discussed the testosterone-boosting abilities of Tongkat Ali. A 2014 study even labeled Tongkat Ali as an effective alternative for prescription-based Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Other than that, its supplementation can also reduce stress and its effects on your system. According to a 2013 study, consuming 200 mg of Tongkat Ali daily can noticeably reduce the production of cortisol; the stress hormone.
Maca — 250 mg
We did not find any connection between Maca supplementation and higher testosterone levels. But, according to a 2002 study, regular supplementation of this substance can boost your libido and sexual desire. Studies also show a correlation between Maca intake and improved mood.

L-Arginine — 250 mg
A 2002 study shows that L-Arginine supplementation can improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction in men. But, it’s unlikely we’ll see similar benefits from Testo Boost Max because you need 1500 to 5000 mg L-Arginine supplements for any noticeable results.
Ginseng — 125 mg
Similar to Tongkat Ali, Ginseng is a popular herb in traditional medicine. It is believed to be an aphrodisiac that can boost your libido and performance. Studies also show that it can reduce the risk of getting sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction.

Proprietary blend
Other than the 4 ingredients we mentioned, the remaining components of this supplement are in a proprietary blend. This blend weighs 745 mg per serving, but Testo Boost Max does not provide the exact amount of each ingredient.
Some ingredients in this blend — like Nettle and Boron — are also a part of more popular T boosters like Testo-Max because they have scientifically proven benefits. Nettle, for example, can prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
That said, I haven’t seen most of the ingredients in this blend in other T-boosting supplements, and likely for a good reason.
Components like Astragalus, Tribulus Terrestris, and Cayenne Pepper have some animal studies that back their benefits. But I did not find any research that shows similar benefits in human subjects. Similarly, Sarsaparilla and Orchic don’t have any testosterone-related scientific evidence to their name, so we have no way of confirming their effectiveness.
One ingredient of this blend that I’d like to mention specifically is Licorice. Studies show that Licorice consumption can actually reduce serum testosterone levels, let alone increase them — making its inclusion in Testo Boost Max very questionable.
What we didn't find
I am not impressed by Testo Boost Max’s composition. For starters, it is missing D-Aspartic Acid; a fast-acting testosterone-boosting ingredient we often find plenty in alternatives like Testo-Max and TestoPrime.
Secondly, there is a severe lack of information on its website. Testo Boost Max supplement does not provide the exact amounts of the 13 ingredients in its proprietary blend. This makes it extremely difficult for me to determine the effectiveness of any of these ingredients.
Take Boron for example. I know that it is effective in Testogen because that supplement has a similar amount of Boron as the 2011 study. But, I have no way of confirming the same for Testo Boost Max.
I did not find any scientific evidence for many of its ingredients — like Tribulus Terrestris or Oat Straw — either. Not to mention the fact that Testo Boost Max does not provide a reason for the inclusion of these ingredients in its formula. Compare this to TestoPrime or Testogen, both of which offer detailed explanations regarding the purpose and benefits of their ingredients.
Pros and Cons
Side Effects
I do not see any obviously problematic substances in Testo Boost Max’s composition. But, I would not label it as “safe” either. This is because it does not provide the exact amounts for most of its ingredients — making it challenging for me to assess their harmfulness.
For instance, Zinc has a daily recommended value (DV) of 11 mg. If the Oyster extract in this supplement contains more Zinc than the DV, you can experience side effects like nausea and vomiting. Unfortunately, we have no way of definitively confirming this.
So, if you do experience any side effects while using this T booster, we recommend you to stop taking this supplement completely. If the side effects persist, you should consult your doctor.
Top Alternatives
Check out TestoPrime, Testogen, and Testo-Max. These alternatives propose similar benefits as Testo Boost Max, but they have ingredients that can deliver on these promises. Plus, the ingredients in these three supplements are formulated to provide the right benefits without causing any side effects.

Overall Rating: 5/5
- Provides a 44% increase in your testosterone levels.
- Improves your mood and confidence.
- Eliminates fatigue caused by low T.

Overall Rating: 4.6/5
- Lowers your post-workout recovery time.
- Provides the benefits of Sustanon steroid without its side effects.
- Helps you bulk up faster.

Overall Rating: 4.4/5
- Helps you increase your workout stamina.
- Increases the rate of fat oxidation and assists weight loss.
- Makes you feel more energetic.
Final Thoughts
After analyzing almost every aspect of Testo Boost Max, it’s safe to say that I do not recommend it to most people.
Sure, it does have ingredients like Tongkat Ali that can raise your testosterone levels. But, this T booster does not provide the exact concentration for the majority of its ingredients — making it impossible to judge its full effectiveness. Plus, this lack of crucial information can also be harmful as we discussed in the case of Oyster extract & Zinc.
So, if you need a supplement to escape the clutches of hypogonadism, check out any of the alternatives we’ve mentioned above.